Friday 30 December 2011

The Bottle Caps Story

Each bottle cap has its own life, just like me and you.

But when every bottle cap comes together, 
they can form a significant purpose to save our home.


Pollution is EVERYWHERE.

Drive less, use the public transport.

Love the nature, do not kill the trees.

Do your part by not smoking.
Especially if you are sick and underaged.
Not only does it affect your health, it affects your loved ones and Mother Earth.

Everyone's on Social Media.
Spread the message, Share the love.
Save the Earth, Save yourself.

Be kind to animals.
They're just like me and you, 
they need tender love and care.

Buy eco-friendly furniture for your home. 

Life is vibrant, it's full of colours.
Make it brilliant, less of duller.

 Together, we can all live happily ever after... :)
Let 2012 be a greener year for you and me!

Last but not least, HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

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