Always late for school and worry about not having enough time to look good?
Well fret not, WE HAVE A
Remember the times when folding
straw hearts were "IN"??
Not only that, you can
reuse at the same time!
Presenting to you....
The Straw heart hair pin!
The main techniques you have to note when doing the
straw heart is folding over and tucking under/folding behind. Remember to do it tightly!
The following numbers may seem confusing but just remember to label numbers at the ends of the straws and take a step at a time. Be patient and
practise, practise, practise.
Ready? Here goes!
All you will need is:
1. A pair of scissors
2. A bobby pin
3. 2 straws
Step 1: Flatten out the straws (the flatter it is, the easier it is to fold)
Step 2: Put straw below another and form a "V" shape
Step 3: Fold '4' forward to make it parallel to '2'
Step 4: Fold '3' over '4' and tuck under '2'
Step 5: Fold '4' over '2' and '3' and tuck under '1'
Step 6: Fold '2' behind '3' and bring over '1'
Step 7: Fold '3' behind '1' and '2' and over '4'
Step 8: Fold '1' over '2' and tuck under '4'
Step 9: Fold '2' over '1' and '4' and tuck under '3'
Step 10: Fold '1' downwards and tuck into the circled area
Step 11: Cut away stray ends
Step 12: Slot bobby pin in (you could slot it vertically as seen in the picture, or slot it horizontally too!)
Tadah! You're done!
On a lighter note, here are some other ways you can use your straw heart hair pin :)
Necklace Pendant
Lapel Pin
Or, you can also use it as a
Paper Clip.
Now, you have no reasons to mess up your notes and look good in a short period of time!
Hope you guys enjoyed this tutorial on making straw heart pins and that it'll inspire you to make other creative hairpins besides using straws :)
P.S. Check this out!
Didn't know that plastic drinking straws can be made into these cute little things.